Buy Low, Sell High
Some time towards the end of last term, one item popped up on our calendars- CIA debriefing.
No, our 'intelligent' class has nothing to do with the 'intelligence' agency. We were up for 'Change In Action' (CIA), something that we'll be doing for a week after every term's exams.
The best part of the entire CIA sequence was an oil-trading game we played. Basically, we were all given ten million Euros to spend in an online simulation. We had to invest a million at a time, based on some vague news clips, and at the end of it, we got to see whether our investment made money or tanked.
This was the most fun Demand-Supply example in economics, ever !!
Buy low, sell high !!
Needless to say, it became a race to the top. Everybody made more money than they lost. Not surprising, a friend of mine who was a trader before his MBA made the most!! He wasn't a commodities trader, so he had no undue advantage over the rest of us, but that doesn't matter. The "trader's attitude" did it!!
No, our 'intelligent' class has nothing to do with the 'intelligence' agency. We were up for 'Change In Action' (CIA), something that we'll be doing for a week after every term's exams.

This was the most fun Demand-Supply example in economics, ever !!
Buy low, sell high !!

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