Looking back all the time
Both, the economics and Financial Management professors have remarked, as have dozens of op-ed columnists, that most financial/economic solutions target the last crisis, and lay the seeds for the next one.
I was wondering, aren't most MBAs also looking back, when the career-changers pick their new careers? Most would simply choose whatever is currently 'sexy'.
Anyone looking for jobs in Private Equity or Hedge Funds today ought to know that the crazy days are just about over. Not exactly mundane and normal, but not wild either. Sure, the average hedgie would still make a pile of money, but one would need to be a lot smarter to make as much money as in the heyday. Ditto for PE. Ditto for consulting. Ditto for whatever the fad !!
Picking your next job with an eye on the past isn't a really smart idea. Nonetheless, that is precisely what many of us will do.

Picking your next job with an eye on the past isn't a really smart idea. Nonetheless, that is precisely what many of us will do.
totally agree... like warren buffet said, "invest in what you understand". well, same for me re: my career. I wont go to an industry that nobody understands (meaning is also not sustainable) but that "generates" big short-term bucks...