"And it's whispered that soon, if we all call the tune,
then the piper will lead us to reason"

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Part-time entrepreneur

Last time, we had a remarkable story presented. Picture this -

  • a lady needs to start a business, any business, so that she can pay taxes, and then become eligible for retirement benefits from the state 
  • she starts the business in a small town in the province of Galicia, Spain 
  • 2 people work part-time to run the business, sourcing tools and selling them online 
  • They become successful, reaching € 1000 a day in revenues, still with just 2 part-time employees
  • All this, totally self-financed
Amazing, eh? There's surely more ways of running a business than I'd thought !!

I'm talking about Alberto Torron, who's one of the people running todotalodros.com. Here are a few nuggets from the talk:-

Working out of small towns & villages is a great asset for them : they have lower costs, and great relationships with dealers
They outsourced all non-core activities

When expanding, they set up a new website to sell headsets, instead of expanding the offerings on todotalodros.com. They've consciously stuck to verticals, creating new lines, and not merged these new businesses into one portal.
This way, they keep it focussed, and don't compete head-on with e-Bay.

The co. is doing just one thing, sourcing tools from all over at the lowest cost, and customer contact. And what it's chosen to keep in-house, it's doing very well
The owner personally responds to customer queries. They are able to cross-sell, up-sell and yes, sometimes down-sell very effectively
They're really inspired by this idea : if you want something and I don't have it, no problem. Just give me some time, and I'll get it for you

A few memorable quotes from Alberto Torron (paraphrased):
"Choose trustworthiness and close contact with customer over a glitzy website to retain & convert customers"
"You don't need a tech background to run an internet biz. An open mind, and just the basics are enough"


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